NOTE: In the current version of FONcore, the group voicemail function is limited to 256 characters. Every digit of an extension counts as a single character, so assuming 4-digit extensions, a maximum of 51 extensions are supported (keeping in mind that extensions are separated by commans which count towards the 256 character limit). If you require a group voicemail distribution to MORE than 50 extensions, please use the voicemail to group email function.
In order to use the Group Voicemail feature, you have to set the permission appropriately for yourself and include a target group containing all of the employees that should be able to receive this mass voicemail.
For a full walk-through on the permissions system, please read How to: Configure HUD Permissions
Permissions focus heavily on HUD, hence the article title, but Fonality keeps all system permissions within the same page, and the instructions on the article above will help you understand how permissions work.
Now that you've added your Group Voicemail permission, you need to actually test it out.
All of the members of the target group should receive this message fairly instantly (give it a few seconds to propagate throughout your network).
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