

    Whitelist the Sender

    If you're not receiving messages from your trixbox Pro , the first thing you should do is check your mail server and whitelist the following address:

    nobody@ sNNNNNN.trixbox.fonality.com

    All voicemail attachments are sent from this address where the Ns represent your Server ID (SID).

    Verify Settings

    Once you've whitelisted the proper sender address, check your Options --> settings page to verify your mail server settings:

    mailopts (1).jpg

    Hostname: Your mail server hostname OR IP address.  Typically like smtp.fonality.com.

    Username: This is the admin username or a username that you configured specifically for use on your server.

    Password: This is the admin password or the password for the custom username you configured for use on your server.

    Check the Logs

    This last step requires some knowledge of the Linux OS.

    1. Connect to your server as root (either from the console or ssh)
    2. less /var/log/maillog  'maillog' is your most current mail log file.  There will be other files like 'maillog.1' or 'maillog.2' and each has a time stamp indicating what period of time the log file covers.
    3. You may see messages like the following:
      Oct 13 04:02:04 pbxtraNNNN postfix/local[10532]: B8F784F998D: 
      to=<root@sNNNN.pbxtra.fonality.com>, relay=local, delay=0, status=bounced 
      (cannot access mailbox /var/mail/root for user root. error writing
      message: File too large
      ) Oct 14 10:07:31 pbxtraNNNN postfix/smtp[20767]: 2AB144F998B: to=<admin@xxxxxx.com>, relay=mail.xxxxxx.com[], delay=0, status=deferred (host mail.xxxxxx.com[] said: 451 Greylisted, please try again in 120 seconds (in reply to RCPT TO command)) Oct 5 05:53:11 pbxtraNNNN postfix/smtp[19550]: 5A2651F0002: to=<admin@xxxxxx.com>, relay=none, delay=297094, status=deferred (connect to mail.xxxxxx.com[]: Connection timed out)

    Simply put - all of the messages above are bad and the end user will not receive the voicemail attachment.

    In every example listed above, the root cause of the problem is NOT your trixbox Pro .  Rather the root cause is the destination mailbox or mailserver used to transmit the message.

    What you want to see is:

    Oct 19 20:21:53 pbxtraNNNN postfix/smtp[26094]: D000C4F998C: 
    relay=mail.xxxxxx.com[], delay=7, status=sent (250 OK)
    How to resolve issues
    1. Refer to Section 1 - Whitelist your trixbox Pro
    2. Make sure you are allowing SMTP traffic to and from your trixbox Pro
    3. Make sure no ACLs (Access Control Lists) are filtering SMTP traffic anywhere in the transmission path between your trixbox Pro and your mail server.  ACLs may be placed closer to the trixbox Pro or closer to the mail server.  You have to check both places.
    4. Make sure that the destination mailbox isn't full or that messages from 'nobody' are not being sent to the spam folder
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