a. trixbox Proシステムが有効なインターネット回線に接続されていないかもしれません。trixboxサーバーからPingを打ってみて、ネットワークに接続されているか確認してください。特にLANのゲートウェイアドレスにPingを打ってみて応答があるかを確認してください。
b. DNSがFonalityのVPNサーバーの名前を正しく解決できていないかもしれません。www.yahoo.com にPingを打ってみて、URLをIPアドレスに正しく変換できているかを確認してください。名前解決に失敗しているとVPN接続が確立されません。
c. FonalityのVPNサーバーへの外向きの通信が遮断されている可能性があります。 trixbox Pro Installation Guide をご覧頂き、trixboxProシステムが正しく動作するために開けておくべきポートなどの情報を参照してください。
a. アナログ・PRIカードの初期化にAsteriskが失敗しているかもしれません。もし、音声カードの設定を最近変更したなら、設定変更が正しく反映されていないかもしれません。
ISOファイルの破損 (MD5チェックサムを確認してください)
a. インストール時にCDイメージのチェックを行うプロセスをスキップせずに、TESTを選択してインストールイメージに問題がないか必ず確認してください。
動作が確認されていないハードウエアを使用している。Fonalityが推奨しているハードウエア一覧をご覧頂き、動作が確認されているハードウエアをご利用下さい。 Certified Hardware システム稼働最小環境もご覧頂けます。 minimum system requirements 最小稼働条件をクリアしていても、インストールに問題が発生する可能性があります。それで、推奨ハードウエアをご利用下さい。一覧は随時アップデートされています。
In order for the trixbox Pro activation to succeed, your system must be connected to a network with internet access, and have at the minimum the following ports accessible to the outside: 53 UDP (DNS), 80 (HTTP), 8000 and 9000 TCP (VPN tunnels). When prompted for your activation username and password, you must enter the information that was e-mailed to you. Remember that the activation username will start with “tbadmin” followed by a 6 digit number (your server ID).
Activation can also fail if you are not running on hardware that meets our requirements. We strongly recommend the use of hardware on the Certified Hardware list, or at the very least hardware that meets our minimum system requirements.
Phone registrations could of course be failing for many reasons. However, these are the most common we see.
Invalid credentials.
a. Ensure you have entered the correct authorization username and password. If this is a certified phone (Polycom IP 501, 601, 4000 or Aastra 9112, 9133, 480i, and 480iCT), the system will automatically generate configuration files and place them onto your server. Simply set the boot server to the IP address of your trixbox Pro system, and reboot the phone!
b. For uncertified phones, see the “Devices” section under “Extensions” on the trixbox Pro control panel for the authorization username and password.
SIP registration host not reachable.
a. Ensure that sXXXXXX.trixbox.fonality.com resolves to the correct internal IP address for your trixbox Pro system. We recommend that you use the trixbox Pro system as the primary DNS for the phones.
When your trixbox Pro is activated, the root password is disabled to prevent any nefarious activity. If you want to shell into your system remotely, you will need to set the root password. You will need physical access to the system and have a keyboard and monitor attached.
Sometimes phones do not have configuration information; there can be a many reasons why. Some common reasons are 1) the phone is new or 2) you were playing around with some cool features on the phone and accidentally reset something you shouldn't have. In any case there is one way to reload the default configuration files for your phones.
To do this do the following:
This will generate configuration files for this phone.
There are a few ways to do this
inet addr:
This guide is for Aastra firmware version 1.4.2, other versions may vary slightly. Make sure these steps are performed while the phone is on the same LAN as the tb Pro.
For the firmware version 1.6.4 you cannot set the configuration server in the web interface - but you can do this one the phone itself. Make sure these steps are performed while the phone is on the same LAN as the tb Pro.
This can of course be caused by a number of things, however these are the reasons we most frequently see:
The phone can not reach a valid NTP server.
a. Your trixbox Pro system runs a NTP server which can be used by your phones to obtain the correct time. Sometimes, however the server loses sync, and stops providing any time source. When this happens, ensure that your trixbox Pro system is able to make outbound connections to other time servers over UDP port 123. If your phones do not have a valid NTP server defined, either set them to use sXXXXXX.trixbox.fonality.com (or your systems internal IP address), or use an external NTP server such as tick.ucla.edu.
b. Ensure that your phones are able to connect to hosts outside of your network over UDP port 123.
If your trixbox Pro system is reporting the incorrect time (off by 2 hours for example). If for instance the time stamp on any voicemail that is left is incorrect, it’s possible that the time zone isn’t set correctly on your system. See our wiki article “How To Set a Time Zone on Your Phones and Server”. You may find that you need to initiate a trixbox Pro reset after changing the time zone before it records the correct time. To perform a reset, log into your trixbox Pro control panel, and go to “Options”, and then “reset server”. Select the choice that best applies, for instance “Reset — Idle”.
Kerry has just written a Wiki page for this. Please visit: http://help.trixbox.com/index.php/Cisco_7960_Setup_Guide
trixbox Pro always sets the default nat setting for an extension to be 1, while this should work with pretty much every phone out there, this does not seem to work with the Cisco 7971. No combination of nat settings in the Cisco configuration file seem to be able to get past this like you can on a Cisco 7960. If someone figures out some other setting that will get it to work, please let us know.
This depends. If you have it protected behind a firewall than it should be fairly secure, however if you have ports like 22 for SSH open than it is still vulnerable to brute force password attacks. The best way to protect against this is to use very difficult to crack passwords. Do NOT use any dictionary word as this will virtually always end up in a hacked system. Use long passwords with a combination of upper and lower case, numbers, and symbols. So 'password' is probably a bad choice but My_HaRd-:Pazzw0rd345 would be much better.
If you dial a ten digit number without a 9 (example: 877-366-2548) then the tb Pro system will automatically correct this and add a "9". This means all 10 digit numbers without a 9 will follow the dialplan of a 10 digit number with a 9.
Your IP phone will need to know it's ok to dial without a 9 as well. You will need to add a dialplan string to your dialplans (also called digitmap) for you phones. A good example for Polycom phones is:
Make sure you are *adding* this to your dialplans - not replacing everything that's there! If you'd like more information read the administrator guide for your phone (most are online):
or reference this thread: