HUD3をWindows Vistaで初期ディレクトリ(C:/Program Files/Fonality/HUD3.0)にインストールし、HUD3.iniをFARやほかのファイルマネージャーやエディターを使って修正すると、Windows Vistaのプログラムファイルのコンテンツミラーリング機能が原因で、 お使いの HUD3クライアントは利用可能の新しいバージョンとしてHUDを正しくアップデートできなくなってしまいます。
MicrosoftOutlook の中でのTAPIの実行が原因でこの問題が起こります。Fonality社がOutlookアプリケーションを修正することが著作権の問題上できません。以下のシンプルな対処方法はOutlookアプリケーションを閉じる The simple work-around is not to close the Outlook application or the "New Call" dialog while on an active HUD call.
If you have greater than 8 thousand contacts in your Outlook Contacts view, you will need to increase the amount of system memory available for HUD. You must perform the following:
These two lines change the following HUD3 attributes:
If your HUD3 client ever has graphic rendering issues like these:
Please do the following to resolve this issue:
(from Queues --> Agent for example)
Last night (1/13/2009) the HUD3 team made a significant upgrade to the HUD3 Authentication Server (HUS). All HUD3 Edition information is now pulled from the customer database.
If you are missing HUD Queues please follow these instructions:
File -> Settings -> Connection. Click Load Settings from Server
The Fonality Softphone does not include a feature known as "auto off-hook" like Aastra or Polycom phones. Because this feature is lacking, HUD3 cannot "answer" an incoming call to a softphone using the desktop alert "answer" icon.
You must answer an incoming call to your softphone via the softphone's GUI interface.
In your HUD3 client, please do the following:
File -> Settings -> Connection. Click Load Settings from Server
If the HUD3 client suddenly stops displaying all your Contacts or perhaps you lose the ability to see Agents in your Queues, please Load your Settings from the server as described above.
You may need to upgrade your JRE (Java Runtime Environment) in order to provide HUD the foundation it requires to run efficiently.
If you are not the administrator for your organization, you will likely NOT be able to upgrade the JRE installed on your machine without administrator privileges. Please contact your administrator and request a JRE upgrade.
Please visit Sun's Java Download Page in order to get the proper Java package for your environment.
The current recommended version for Windows users (XP or Vista) is 1.6.11. Mac OS X users have Java 1.6 installed by default with Leopard, and Tiger users can upgrade via the Software Update application.
Software Update can be accessed by:
HUD3 should try to connect via the LAN interface first and then attempt to connect via the wireless. It appears that some laptops don't report that the LAN interface is available unless it is prioritized properly.