



    1. 1. アーキテクチャー
      1. 1.1. アーキテクチャーの変更とは?
    2. 2.特長
      1. 2.1.Personal Editionのフィーチャーセットの変更
        1. 2.1.1.なぜHUD3 PEにはOutlookとの統合が含まれていないのですか?
        2. 2.1.2. なぜ HUD3 PEでは”コール”のオプションが利用できないのですか?
      2. 2.2.  HUD2をまた利用することはできますか?


    HUD2 はInternet Relay Chat (IRC)を使って、メッセージ(文章やプログラム)をHUD2サーバーに送る伝達メカニズムとして作成されました。HUD2サーバーは、trixbox Proに中に存在し、電話システムと相互作用するため、Asterisk マネジメントインターフェースに 接続されています。


    HUD3はXMPPプロトコル(別名Jabber)に基づいて開発されました。 Jabber アーキテクチャーは、拡張可能で、RFC3920として特許に指定されています。 






    HUD3のエンジニアチームはHUDを最初から作り直しました。HDU3は おおまかに言って400万ほどのコードを必要とし、完成までにに18ヶ月を要しました。  


    HUD2とHUD3のビジュアルの共通点はさておき、中身を見てみると、HUD3には50%以上の新たな特長が追加され、全く新しいHUDのバージョンが含まれています。 HUDキュー

    現在のHUD3のすべての特長のリストが下記のウェブサイトでご覧いただけます。 http://pbxtra.fonality.com/products/hud/edition-comparison.html




    Changes to the feature-set of Personal Edition

    Why isn't Outlook integration included with HUD3 PE?

    Many customers have noticed the lack of Outlook integration in HUD3 Personal Edition (PE).  HUD2 PE was free, and included Outlook integration for Outlook 2002-2003. 

    HUD3 PE does not include Outlook integration.  Here's why:

    Microsoft continues to change its libraries every quarter, and it is getting more and more expensive to be compatible with recent versions of their software.  For this reason we simply could not give it away free anymore.  Fonality required a dedicated team to make HUD3 work with Outlook 2007.

    Why are the "call" options disabled in HUD3 PE?

    Customers familiar with call status information on the Standard Edition of our product prior to HUD3 are recalling a product named HUDlite. 

    What's HUDlite?

    HUDlite was a product created to bridge the gap between trixbox CE and Fonality's commerical product line.  HUDlite included far more features than HUD2 PE.  Most customers on our trixbox platform have experience with HUDlite and consider this product the "previous" version of HUD.  When these customers upgrade to HUD3 PE, they notice major differences that are not consistent with an "upgrade".

    The truth is that HUDlite, HUD2, and HUD3 are all fundamentally different products.

    Customers who were using HUD2 PE and then upgraded the HUD3 PE would actually notice an increase in the feature-set between versions.  But customers who were using HUDlite and switch to HUD3 PE will feel that features have been retracted.  

    Can I go back to HUD2?

    Sure.  Because HUD2 and HUD3 run on different architectures, you can run them side-by-side on your trixbox Pro and your computer.

    It is not recommended to run both HUD applications simultaneously as each puts load on your server.  The combined load can (not will) reduce the simultaneous call capacity of your server.

    1. Within your Admin Panel, click on Options --> HUD
    2. Set Enable HUD2 Server to "yes"
    3. Click Apply All Changes
    4. Navigate to http://app.fonality.com/hud/download.cgi in order to grab the HUD2 client (if you don't already have it!)
    5. Install HUD2 client as you would any other application on your platform
    6. Insert your web username and web password to login.
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