保留音楽の再生順序は2種類の中から選べます。:Music-on-hold playback has two options:
いつでも変更できます。You can change the playback option of any playlist at any time.
プレイリストを作成し、その中に音楽をすべて登録すると、すべてのサブメニューやキューで利用できるようになります。Once you have created all the playlists that you need and added songs to each, you can set a unique playlist for every submenu and/or queue within your trixbox Pro .
Music-on-hold playback has two options:
You can change the playback option of any playlist at any time.
Once you have created all the playlists that you need and added songs to each, you can set a unique playlist for every submenu and/or queue within your trixbox Pro .