
      1. 1.1. インターネット接続は必須です
      2. 1.2. 動作が確認されているルーター -- お客様の報告による情報:
      3. 1.3. 動作に問題が報告されているルーターおよびファイヤーウオール
      4. 1.4. 大規模 / エンタープライズクラスルーター
      5. 1.5. 外向きに開けておくべきポート
      6. 1.6. プライマリDNSサーバーについての要件
    1. 2. プライマリDNSサーバーの要件
      1. 2.1. 予期しないIPアドレスの変更が起きないように設定する
      2. 2.2. ネットワーク配線のテストを必ず行って下さい
        1. 2.2.1. Ethernetスイッチのテスト
        2. 2.2.2. LANケーブルのテスト
        3. 2.2.3. アナログ電話機用のポートにアナログ電話回線を接続しないで下さい
    2. 3. インストール作業
      1. 3.1. ネットワーク設定
      2. 3.2. Use a static IP address if possible (private or public)
      3. 3.3. Identify a free IP Address
      4. 3.4. Get additional information for this address
      5. 3.5. Verify the address is available
      6. 3.6. Set the Static IP Address on the PBXtra
      7. 3.7. Use the IP address wizard
        1. 3.7.1. Use DHCP reservation if static IP is not possible
      8. 3.8. Verify connection to Fonality’s web servers
      9. 3.9. Firewall configuration changes may be required
      10. 3.10. DNS service must be available
      11. 3.11. Configure DHCP to use the PBXtra as primary DNS
        1. 3.11.1. Reliable phone service during Internet outages
      12. 3.12. Connect your IP phones to the network
      13. 3.13. Verify correct DNS server assignment
      14. 3.14. Verify proper phone operation
        1. 3.14.1. Set time zone settings in your IP phones.
      15. 3.15. Connect your phone lines
      16. 3.16. T1/PRI lines may require Fonality Assistance
      17. 3.17. Analog lines must be connected in specific order
        1. 3.17.1. Vacant phone line ports will cause problems
        2. 3.17.2. Echo on analog phone lines
      18. 3.18. Configure your Dial Plan
      19. 3.19. Prepare your system for remote telecommuters
      20. 3.20. Configure DMZ settings
        1. 3.20.1. Check firewall logs
      21. 3.21. If you need to change any extension numbers
      22. 3.22. Setting up your Call Menu
        1. 3.22.1. Before you begin
        2. 3.22.2. Learning how to use the call menu
        3. 3.22.3. Use help mode in the Admin panel
        4. 3.22.4. Use contextual question marks
        5. 3.22.5. Avoiding pitfalls with the Scheduler
        6. 3.22.6. Using Blast Groups
        7. 3.22.7. Using the Conference Bridge Feature
        8. 3.22.8. Using Advanced features of Call Center Edition
        9. 3.22.9. Locating Phone Manuals
        10. 3.22.10. Post Installation Support

    2024年 12月 22日, 16:28 現在の版


    版の一覧 に戻る。



    trixboxProをインストールするネットワークは、常時接続のインターネット接続が必須です。Voip回線をお使いにならないとしても、trixboxはシステムの設定を変更する際にインターネットを経由します。注記: インターネット接続が切断されてもPBXとしての動作は問題ありません。しかし、WEBベースの設定変更は一切出来なくなります。

    動作が確認されているルーター -- お客様の報告による情報:



    • Linksys (by Cisco) RVS4000
      ファームウエア version 1.2.1が必須です。アップグレードが必要な場合は、Ciscoに登録して(無料です)公式サイトからRouter Software -> Cisco Small Business Routers (Linksys Business Series)のリンクをたどると最新のファームウエアをダウンロードできます。
    • Linksys WRVS4400N
    • TRENDnet TEW-633GR
      Ubicom StreamEngine IP5160 ハードウエア QoS チップ搭載モデル。SIP ALGを無効にして下さい。 管理画面のAdvanced -> StreamEngineのリンクをたどるとあります。類似のモデル番号に注意して下さい。633だけが動作確認が取れています。
    • Linksys WRT310N
    • Linksys BEFSR81
    • RTX1200<wbr/>rtx1200/index.html
    • RT107e<wbr/>rt107e/index.html




    • Edgewater Networks EdgeMarc 4500T4
      SIP ALGを無効に出来ない。
    • Linksys WRT45G (series)
    • Linksys BEFSR41
    • Microsoft ISA Router/Firewall/Proxy
      音声トラフィックを通過させません。 requires special setup.
    • Netgear FVX538
    • プロバイダ提供のDSLあるいはケーブルモデム

    大規模 / エンタープライズクラスルーター


    • CiscoルーターQoS機能付き (2600シリーズなど)  OEMでないCisco純正ルーターはCisco IOSを使用しています。SIP fixupを必ず無効にして下さい。
    • Edgewater Networks EdgeMarc 4200シリーズ
    • Fortinet Fortigate 50 (リモートテレコミュニケーター用)
    • Fortinet Fortigate 60 (主オフィス用)
    • Sonicwall.  動作が報告されているのはTZ170とTZ180です。その他のモデルも動作するかもしれません。  Content filteringとSIP transformationsは必ず無効にしておいて下さい。Anonymous UDPパケットinboundとconsistent NATは必ず有効にして下さい。
    • Watchguard Firebox.  PBXのIPアドレス向けのパケットフィルタリングをすべて無効にして下さい。




    ポート番号 プロトコル 名前 用途
    8000 TCP VPN FonalityのデータセンターとのVPN接続のために使用されます。
    80 TCP HTTP PBXソフトウエアアップデートやパブリックIPアドレスの取得などに使用されます。サーバーのアクティベーションにも使用されます。
    443 TCP HTTPS 同上
    21 TCP FTP 同上
    53 TCP/UDP DNS trixboxをプライマリDNSサーバーとして動作させる場合は、このポートを開けておいてください。trixboxProが他のパブリックDNSサーバー群と通信を行うために必要です。
    123 UDP NTP PBXがNTPサーバーと通信を行うために必要です。





    Why must I use the server as my Primary DNS?



















    Installing your PBXtra server at the correct location on your network will ensure optimum system performance. Diagrams are included below for your reference.
    Avoid configurations where phones must traverse firewalls or NAT routers to get to the PBXtra .
    Avoid configurations where phones must traverse firewalls or NAT routers to get to the PBXtra .

    For maximum performance, we recommend connecting the PBXtra on the same LAN segment as the location where the majority of your IP phones will be installed. They should use the same IP Address subnet if possible. If you plan to connect the PBXtra on its own independent network or Internet provider, please review Configuring two Internet Providers

    Use a static IP address if possible (private or public)

    A static IP address should be manually assigned to the server to avoid unexpected IP address changes.  Static IP Addresses are not all 'static-public' addresses that you must purchase from your ISP.  You can set a static private IP address that you exclude from your DHCP scope.  By keeping the IP of the server the same, you ensure maximum reliability.

    Identify a free IP Address

    To set a static IP address manually, first identify an IP address that is outside the range of IP addresses assigned by your DHCP server.

    Get additional information for this address

    Once the IP address has been identified, confirm that you have all of the associated information required: Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, Network/Broadcast Addresses, and DNS server IP addresses.

    Verify the address is available

    Use Start->cmd to run ping for your intended IP address to be sure it’s not already in use by another device on your network.

        * Example


    If you see timeouts, then the IP address is available, if you see responses (< 10 ms) then the IP address is in use. In that case you’ll need to select another IP address.

    Set the Static IP Address on the PBXtra

    Temporarily connect a PS2 keyboard (do not use a USB keyboard) and monitor to your PBXtra and log in at the “login:” prompt using these case sensitive credentials:

    Username: ip
    Password: ip

    Use the IP address wizard

    Select the “Set IP Address...” option from the menu. The wizard will display on the text screen.  Follow its instructions to set the IP address and restart. (It is here where you choose an external DNS server, such as your ISP)

    Use DHCP reservation if static IP is not possible

    If static IP address assignment is not an option on your network, be sure that your PBXtra is given a DHCP reservation in your DHCP server so that it’s always given the same IP address. For more information please visit Avoiding IP Address Conflicts

    Verify connection to Fonality’s web servers

    From another PC (*do not* use a Fonality PBXtra , go to another PC with internet access) browse to and log in using the credentials mentioned in section 2.1 of this guide. If you see an error indicating that your PBXtra server cannot be reached over the internet, please resolve this problem before continuation of the installation process. If you see a welcome message, then you are ready to proceed.

    Firewall configuration changes may be required

    If you are unable to get your PBXtra to be recognized by the PBXtra admin panel you may need to adjust your firewall configuration to allow outbound access to the following ports from the PBXtra :


    Additional configuration will also be required if you plan to support remote telecommuters over the Internet.

    If you are unable to establish the connection to Fonality’s web servers using the information above, you should consider the following alternative configurations for your firewall:

       1. Enable a DMZ

              A DMZ setting to allow all unknown incoming packets to be routed to the static IP address of the PBXtra system on your private network.

       2. Configure a Firewall rule

              Configure your firewall such that it allows the IP address of the PBXtra system to make an outbound connection to any host on any port.


    It may be necessary to reboot the PBXtra with CTRL+ALT+DEL on the system console or by disconnecting and reconnecting the power in order to re-initiate a new connection from your PBXtra to the Fonality web servers.

    Note: If you have a Watchguard firewall, or any firewall that examines the actual data payload of TCP/IP packets, you may need to disable this functionality in your firewall for traffic originating from the PBXtra . See your firewall vendor/manufacturer for details about how to accomplish this configuration.

    DNS service must be available

    If your network does not have functional DNS servers, or the DNS configuration manually programmed into the PBXtra is invalid, the server will not be able to connect to Fonality’s web servers. This must be resolved before installation can continue.

    Configure DHCP to use the PBXtra as primary DNS

    If you skip this step, you will have problems with your PBXtra . Please use this guide to configure your DHCP server to give out the IP address of your PBXtra as the primary DNS server:


    Reliable phone service during Internet outages

    You can use your existing DNS server address as a secondary DNS server. However, the PBXtra must be the primary.

    Note that the built-in high performance DNS service that comes with PBXtra can easily handle DNS service for networks with hundreds of devices on them. Under normal circumstances using it as your primary DNS service will not adversely impact your phone system performance at all.

    Connect your IP phones to the network

    Once you have confirmed that your PBXtra is properly connected to Fonality’s web servers, it’s then safe to unpack and assemble your IP phones, and connect them to your network.

    If you are unable to use the default “DHCP” configuration of the phones, it is possible to assign static IP addresses using the LCD menus on the phones. Please avoid setting IP addresses manually if possible. If you must use static IP addresses, Polycom, Cisco, and Snom phones allow you to do this using the LCD menu on each phone in the network settings section.

    Verify correct DNS server assignment

    Verify that each phone is using the primary DNS server that you configured in step 3.3. It must match the IP address you manually assigned or reserved for the PBXtra . Return to step 3.3 if it’s not using the right DNS server IP address.

    Verify proper phone operation

    Verify that each phone can communicate properly with the PBXtra by lifting the handset on each phone and dialing “0” for your main menu. You should hear the default auto attendant greeting. This is the same greeting your callers will hear when PBXtra answers incoming calls. You can use the admin web interface to adjust the configuration of your call menu. To do this, you will need to log into the admin web interface, and click on the “AutoAnswer” tab, and then click on the “edit call menu” option. You can see the status of each IP Phone using the Extensions tab in PBXtra Admin Web Interface. This will show the IP address of each phone that’s on- line. Use the credentials referenced above to log into the web interface at .

    Set time zone settings in your IP phones.

    Each IP phone has it’s own time zone setting. If your phones are not displaying time in the correct time zone, please use the instructions provided in this help document: How To Set a Time Zone on Your Phones and Server

    Connect your phone lines

    You may now connect your phone lines to the PBXtra . Be sure that the phone lines have been tested by your phone company or inside wiring technician before they are connected to your PBXtra . Lines that are inverse polarity or shorted together with another line will cause system instability.

    WARNING: If you connect an analog phone line to an analog phone station port, you will damage the hardware. See the warning in section 1.5.

    T1/PRI lines may require Fonality Assistance

    If your PBXtra will be connected to a T1/PRI circuit, additional configuration may be required. Please connect your T1/PRI circuit to the PBXtra once your local telephone company has tested it.

    Analog lines must be connected in specific order

    If you are connecting analog phone lines to your system, they should be connected in reverse hunting order. Your busiest incoming lines should be placed in your highest port numbers. For details see this help reference: What order should I connect my lines in?

    PBXtra dials out from the lowest port numbers first, so to avoid placing an outbound call while an inbound call is ringing this reverse order connection of your lines is essential.

    Vacant phone line ports will cause problems

    If you have analog phone line ports that you leave vacant with no line connected, this may cause you problems when you try to dial out while all other lines are busy. You will hear your own voice echo back to you, and your call will not connect. If this happens, and you have purchased support, contact Fonality Support to have your vacant ports deactivated.

    Echo on analog phone lines

    If you hear echo when using analog phone lines, don’t worry. This is normal when installing a new IP PBX. The echo cancellation inside the server may need to be calibrated in order to eliminate the echo. Here are two help documents that will help you start this process:

        * Echo

    If you need additional assistance, please contact Fonality Support  and we will happily help you sort this out.

    Configure your Dial Plan

    Depending on the dialing requirements in your country or state, the dialing plan in your systems and/or IP phones may need to be modified. For example, if you need to use 10 digits to dial local numbers instead of 7, your dial plan will need to be adjusted.

    Use the PBXtra Admin Panel to adjust the dial plan inside your PBXtra . Click on the Options tab and select “dial plan”. You can adjust these settings to match the dialing requirements for your local phone company. You can also indicate how each type of call should be routed.

    If any changes are made to your server’s dial plan, the same changes also need to be made in your IP phones. Please contact Fonality Support  to arrange for your phones to be adjusted accordingly.

    Prepare your system for remote telecommuters

    If you plan to use one or more of your IP phones in a remote location, and connect to your PBXtra over the internet, those phones need to be reconfigured to work remotely. Detailed instructions are provided in this help document: Setting Up Remote Phones

    Configure DMZ settings

    It may be necessary to configure a DMZ setting in your router/firewall at both the local and remote locations in order to ensure proper communication between the remote telecommuter IP phone and the PBXtra . If you experience inability to get or place calls from a remote location, or if calls appear to connect but have no audio, the DMZ settings will be needed. Detailed instructions are provided in this help document: How to set a DMZ Host/Server setting

    Check firewall logs

    If you have difficulty configuring remote telecommuters, check the log in your firewall for clues about what’s preventing the communication. Also consider using a Linksys BEFSR81 router at both locations and configuring DMZ settings on both ends. Also consider configuration of QoS as described in this help document: How do I use QoS on my network?

    If you need to change any extension numbers

    Fonality goes to great lengths to try to get all of the required information in advance and pre-configure all of your extensions to avoid the need to change extension numbers during the system installation process. If you must change an extension number in one or more of your IP phones, please see this document: How to change extension numbers

    Setting up your Call Menu

    When an inbound call arrives at your PBXtra system on one of your phone lines, it’s answered by the auto-attendant. The call menu allows you to configure how your call is handled by the auto-attendant.

    Before you begin

    When you first begin using the PBXtra Admin Panel, we ask that you confirm your contact information. Once you log in, click the “Options” tab, and then click “customer”. Please make any needed corrections or additions. It’s important that we maintain a current email address so we can reach you in the event of product upgrades or required maintenance.

    Learning how to use the call menu


    Use help mode in the Admin panel

    The Admin Panel has a large orange question mark near the bottom right of the screen. If you click it, you will be entered into help mode where you can find detailed instructions about every item in the call menu.

    Use contextual question marks

    Each individual item in the call menu also has a small green question mark over it. You can hover your mouse pointer over this question mark to get details about what each item is.

    Avoiding pitfalls with the Scheduler

    If you plan to have scheduled greetings in your call menu, read this document first. If you try to set up after hours-schedules instead of business-hours schedules you will get unexpected results. For more info, see: Building-Schedules

    Using Blast Groups

    Blast groups allow you to ring multiple phones at once. If you plan to use a blast group, read this help document first: Using Blast Groups

    Using the Conference Bridge Feature

    If you would like to use the conference bridge in the PBXtra server, see this help document: How to use the Conference Bridge feature

    Using Advanced features of Call Center Edition

    If you have the Call Center Edition version of PBXtra , you can learn about how to use the advanced features by looking in the ACD tab of the Admin Panel, and by reviewing this help document: How to use Call Queues

    Locating Phone Manuals

    If you are looking for a manual from your IP phone’s manufacturer, you can search our KB for your phone’s manufacturer or model number.

    Note that the Swissvoice manual makes reference to a Conference feature. Many versions of the Swissvoice phones do NOT support 3-Way conferencing. If you need conferencing, we recommend that you use a Polycom phone.

    Post Installation Support

    If you have questions about your installation, you may contact the Fonality installation team by visiting /support and entering your PBXtra admin Username and Password, your full name, and email address. The “Request Type” should be ‘Support’, the “Category” should be ‘Installation’, and the “Symptom” should be what ever best matched your issue. Please be as detailed as possible in the body of your request. If you purchased a support contract with your PBXtra system you may contact the Fonality support team for assistance with your PBXtra system. Our scope of service is outlined in our terms and conditions, and is published on our web site.
    In the Support Contract section, our response times are also published, along with a list of supported and unsupported items. It also includes details about how to contact Fonality for support and our hours of availability.

    Fonality's PBXtra Web site:

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