How to Fail-Over to Your LBS
WARNING: Even if you wish to revert to your original Primary server once the issue has been resolved, allow the LBS to function as the primary, and the primary as the LBS, for at least one hour in order to ensure all of your recordings, voicemails, voice prompts, and music-on-hold files have time to sync.
For visual reference, please refer to the gallery of images below these instructions.
In the event your Primary trixbox Pro fails, you can enable your LBS to take over all Primary responsibilities by following these steps:
- Unplug the Primary server from the network (disconnect the Ethernet cable). Leave this server offline throughout the entire process
- Attach a monitor and keyboard to the LBS.
- At the console login, use 'ip' as the username and 'ip' as the password to login. You should see the following prompt in Gallery Image #1
- Press 'P' from the menu displayed in Gallery Image #2 to continue
- The system prompts you to disconnect the server (double-checking step 1)
- You must change the IP Address of the LBS to the original IP Address of the Primary trixbox Pro
- Original setup (example only - your settings may differ):
- Primary trixbox Pro 's IP:
- Primary trixbox Pro 's Subnet Mask:
- Primary trixbox Pro 's Gateway:
- LBS's IP:
- LBS's Subnet Mask:
- LBS's Gateway:
- Fail-over setup (example only - your settings may differ):
- Primary server's IP (now the LBS):
- Primary trixbox Pro 's Subnet Mask:
- Primary trixbox Pro 's Gateway:
- LBS's IP (now the Primary):
- LBS's Subnet Mask:
- LBS's Gateway:
- The system prompts you to apply the new IP Address settings
- trixbox Pro displays your changes and prompts one last time for confirmation of these changes
Success! You have converted your LBS into your Primary trixbox Pro